Darren Donaghey
Darren Donaghey is 34 years old and in 2014 he has crowned the winner of the ‘Punching Above Your Weight’ local radio competition with his then-girlfriend Kate Cathcart. Later, he won a £1million lottery jackpot is set to buy a new home for his autistic children.
Recently, they revealed that they have transformed the lives of their son, seven, and four-year-old daughter, who are severely autistic. He has invested money of around £50,000 two-bed ex-council house in Walker, Newcastle for a £460,000 four-bed home in Gosforth suitable for their two children.
Last year, Darren and his wife Kate won the Monopoly Classic scratchcard after they brought the card from a local shop in Newcastle for an emergency pint of milk. According to Thesun.co.uk Darren said “Winning the lottery is something which only happens to other people. We still cannot believe this has happened to ordinary people like Kate and myself,” and added, “This money will just totally change our lives and the lives of our children too.”
Earlier, Darren pranked her about winning the lottery but when he won the lottery he came storming into the house saying he had won £1 million but she didn’t believe at first. During that time Darren was working as a call center supervisor but left the JOb after winning the prize money, and he lived with his family and also involved in to support autism charities which have helped their family.
In an Interview with Mirror he said ‘If anything, we have almost been too cautious. Apart from the house, we’ve not treated ourselves. We wanted to look after our family and friends. and added ‘That’s the best feeling. But we knew we had to make long-term plans for the children.’
However, he was criticized for not being match with his wife, according to Thesun “Punching Above Your Weight” competition in 2014 when listeners voted him and Kate the most mismatched couple in the looks department.”He said at the time: “It’s not unusual to be out together and other guys to innocently start chatting Kate up, thinking that I couldn’t possibly be with her.
“Even when we are out shopping at Asda I get these funny looks from blokes and I know what they are thinking,” and added, “Having put up with this for years I knew we had a decent chance of winning.” Curently, this both couple of Instagram is set up private.